About the conference
Societies are dependent on the formation and utilization of groups and teams, making them relevant to countless aspects of life. Accordingly, scholars who study groups can be found across a wide array of disciplines (e.g., anthropology, communication, education, engineering, history, information systems, medicine, nursing, organizational behavior, philosophy, psychology, political science, public health, sociology). The Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research (INGRoup) was created to provide a context for scholars to:
- Promote communication about groups and teams research across fields and nations
- Advance understanding about group dynamics through research
- Advance theory and methods for understanding groups and teams
- Promote interdisciplinary research
20th Annual INGRoup Conference will be held so scholars across disciplines can come together, share information, and learn from one another. The conference program will include paper, poster, symposia, and panel sessions, a keynote address, and a business meeting open to all members so the future of INGRoup can be collectively planned and shaped.
An online system will be made available from
December 15, 2024 to
February 18, 2025 (23:59:59, Eastern Standard Time). All submissions must be accompanied by a 50-word abstract for inclusion in the conference program. Submitters will be required to provide full name, position, institution, discipline, and contact information for all authors. Submissions that include participants from a variety of disciplinary traditions are highly encouraged.
Excluding poster submissions, scholars can be the presenting author on no more than two submissions. Submissions that involve research that has been previously presented at other professional conferences should be modified so that they are not identical to past presentations, and, most importantly, should be tailored to suit INGRoup’s interdisciplinary audience. By submitting, at least one co-author from each paper within a symposium is committed to register for, and attend, the conference upon acceptance. A detailed description of the types of submissions can be found in the Call for Proposals. Submissions will be reviewed by the program committee and peer reviewed by others who have submitted to the conference. The program chair will notify the submitter of acceptance by late March/early April. Awards for Best Conference Paper, Best Graduate Student Paper, and Best Poster will be presented at the conference.
Questions about the 2025 INGRoup Annual Conference?
For more information, please contact a member of the organizing committee: